The Geek Media Revue

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Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out Proves That There's No Such Thing as Bad Publicity

Have you been watching Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out this season? It’s a fun show about a loner college student named Sakurai and his obnoxious, but well-meaning kouhai Uzaki who makes it her personal mission to get him to enjoy life a little more. Nothing particularly original here, but the comedic antics are entertaining and the dynamic between Sakurai and Uzaki is much more genuinely sweet than you might expect it to be. Still, is that really enough to make it the fourth most watched anime (besides sequels) on MyAnimeList for all of Summer 2020? Sure, the pandemic means that there isn’t much competition right now, but how did it manage to get so much attention?

It turns out that this little show has an ace up its sleeve, and that’s taking advantage of moral controversy. Let’s delve deeper to see how Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out proves that there’s no such thing as bad publicity!

This article was written for Honey’s Anime, so please read it on their site.