The Geek Media Revue

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5 Biggest "Araki Forgot" Moments in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Hirohiko Araki is legendary among anime fans for being the mangaka of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series, but he’s also legendarily forgetful. After over 30 years of writing JoJo, he’d be bound to forget a few small details, but sometimes these lapses create plot holes or cut off entire story arcs that could’ve been interesting to see. There’s often no good way to justify the dropped characters or powers in-universe, so fans just throw up their hands and say “Araki forgot”.

Here are 5 of the most notable “Araki forgot” instances in JoJo history covering both the anime and the manga. We love the man dearly, but we wish these moments hadn’t just been swept under the rug.

This article was written for Honey’s Anime, so please read it on their site.