The Geek Media Revue

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Top 10 Best Abs in Dive!!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the serious and violent anime this season? As wonderful as shows like Inuyashiki and The Ancient Magus’ Bride are, sometimes you just need a short bit of fluff that’s easy on the eyes. And if you like boys in speedos, you can’t go wrong with Dive!! from this past summer. It won’t change your life, but there are plenty of enjoyable casual moments as well as some darker undercurrents that keep this anime about a struggling high school diving team interesting.

As for the characters themselves, they hit just about every personality type there is – the ace with a mysterious side, the wild man, the jealous best friend, the self-proclaimed rival who constantly gets ignored, and many more. But they do all have one thing in common, and that’s their rock hard abs. A diver has to be aerodynamic and flexible, so naturally everyone on the team is crazy fit and trains around the clock to stay that way. But you may wonder to yourself... which of these spandex-clad specimens is truly the abdominal champion? Well, wonder no more! We’ve carefully pored over all twelve episodes to bring you the top ten best abs in Dive.

This article was written for Honey's Anime, so please read it on their site. :)