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Top 5 Reaction Faces from Dr. Stone

Boichi, the artist for Riichiro Inagaki’s Dr. Stone manga, has a particular knack for gut-bustingly hilarious reaction faces. Whenever a shocking or comical moment calls for a little extra drama, Boichi will render the characters in highly exaggerated styles that range from children’s drawings to hyperrealism to twisted Junji Ito homages. The manga and anime are already great, but these occasional diversions into surrealist humor make them even better. So let’s count down the top 5 reaction faces from Dr. Stone!

5 Pieces of Luxurious Anime Merchandise

If you love a certain anime, you can easily show that appreciation to the world with t-shirts, figures, keychains, or any of the other common styles of merchandise found at anime conventions and specialty stores. But what if you want to go the extra step and find something truly unique, something classy and expensive that you’ll treasure forever? Luckily for you, today we’re taking a look at five of the most luxurious pieces of anime merchandise. Surely, you’ll find a timeless treasure that will perfectly express your adoration for anime!

Top 5 Controversial Anime Characters

No matter how hard an author or director tries, it’s impossible to make a character who everyone universally likes. Even famed favorites like Goku and Jotaro Kujo have haters for one reason or another, but sometimes, a particular character is so divisive that they split entire fandoms apart and garner a reputation that even people who haven’t seen their show can recognize from a mile away. Today, let’s learn about five of the most controversial anime characters of all time!

Matsuricon 2019 Post-Show Field Report

When the carefree summer season starts to trail away, soon to be replaced with autumn leaves and pesky adult responsibilities, Ohio congoers gather in Columbus to celebrate all things anime before the first chilly breeze drifts in. Matsuricon is going strong in its 13th year, bringing in 18 special guests and over 6500 attendees for this event. We immersed ourselves in the con for all three days, so we’ve got details on everything you need to know about Matsuricon 2019. Let’s get started!

icon-to-trending Purple Haze Feedback Light Novel Review - Fugo Finally Gets His Dues

Written by Kouhei Kadono (of Boogiepop fame) and peppered with illustrations by Araki, Purple Haze Feedback is a light novel spinoff of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind that stars Pannacotta Fugo. Six months after the conclusion of part 5, Giorno sends Fugo off on a mission to take out the rogue narcotics team and its mysterious leader, Massimo Volpe. Joined by new companions Sheila E and Cannolo Murolo, Fugo sets out to prove his loyalty to Passione and perhaps even forgive himself for deserting Bruno’s team on that fateful day.

5 Best Evolving Anime Endings

Anime ending songs are generally low-key affairs, consisting of a simple tune and unobtrusive visuals to allow the viewer to reflect on the episode they just watched. In other words, they don’t usually command much attention for themselves. But today, we’re shining the spotlight on 5 anime EDs that are always worth watching because of how they change over time.

These shows mix up the formula by adding new characters, swapping out the song, foreshadowing future events, and all sorts of other techniques to keep fans engaged all the way until the next episode preview. Let’s check out the 5 best evolving anime endings!