The Geek Media Revue

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Top 10 Manservice Anime

Manservice. It’s like regular fanservice, but instead of big boobs and moeblobs, it’s studly guys in skintight outfits staring longingly into each other’s eyes. In short, manservice is intentional titillation made for a predominately female audience. At first it can seem like little more than a cheap ploy for ratings, but there’s a subtle art to fulfilling women’s fantasies that a select few anime can nail absolutely perfectly.

Today, we’re going to take a look at the top 10 manservice anime, ranked in order of how much they make fangirls squee with joy. Whether it’s muscly athletes inspiring yaoi fanfiction or bishounen vampires fighting over the heart of one fair lady, these anime are sure to make your imagination go wild.

This article was written for Honey's Anime, so please read it on their site. :)